API reference

Using the API

Our API provides tools for integrating our services as part of your own business. We provide an API for all needed actions for effectively managing your configuration and accessing data.

All features are available as a REST API.

Accessing our API

Our API can be accessed using the following URL:


The alternative URL for the API is:



All requests to the API need to be authenticated using API credentials.

The API credentials, also known as a token, are passed along with the header of the request using a x-api-key variable.

API tokens can be found in the user interface, in the access control section.

API credentials can be configured with different levels of privileges.

API methods

In general, our API uses the following methods.

GETFetch data or resource(s)
POSTCreate a resource
PATCHModify a resource
DELETEDelete a resource

Data API endpoints

The Data API provides the following endpoints.

The core URL of all requests for accessing the Data API is:

MethodEndpoint URLDescription
GET/minuteFetch minute data for all sensors
GET/minute/sensor/:sensorSerialFetch minute data for a specific sensor
GET/minute/group/:groupIdFetch minute data for a specific group
GET/hourlyFetch hourly data for all sensors
GET/hourly/sensor/:sensorSerialFetch hourly data for a specific sensor
GET/hourly/group/:groupIdFetch hourly data for a specific group
GET/dailyFetch daily data for all sensors
GET/daily/sensor/:sensorSerialFetch daily data for a specific sensor
GET/daily/group/:groupIdFetch daily data for a specific group
GET/inboundFetch inbound route data
GET/outboundFetch outbound route data

Management API endpoints

The Management API provides the following endpoints.

The core URL of all requests for accessing the Management API is:

MethodEndpoint URLDescription
GET/sensorsFetch a list of all sensors
GET/sensors/:sensorSerialFetch details of a specific sensor
PATCH/sensors/:sensorSerialModify the settings of a sensor
GET/calibrationsFetch a list of all data profiles
POST/calibrationsCreate a new data profile
PATCH/calibrations/:calibrationProfileIdModify an existing data profile
DELETE/calibrations/:calibrationProfileIdDelete an existing data profile
GET/groupsFetch a list of all groups
GET/groups/:groupIdFetch details of a specific group
POST/groupsCreate a new group
PATCH/groups/:groupIdModify an existing group
DELETE/groups/:groupIdDelete an existing group
GET/thresholdsFetch a list of all thresholds
GET/thresholds/:thresholdIdFetch details of a specific threshold
POST/thresholdsCreate a new threshold
PATCH/thresholds/:thresholdIdModify an existing threshold
DELETE/thresholds/:thresholdIdDelete an existing threshold
GET/usersFetch a list of all users
GET/users/:userIdFetch details of a specific user
POST/usersCreate a new user
PATCH/users/:userIdModify an existing user
DELETE/users/:userIdDelete an existing user
GET/apikeysFetch a list of all API credentials
GET/apikeys/:apiKeyIdFetch details of a specific API credential
POST/apikeysCreate a new API credential
PATCH/apikeys/:apiKeyIdModify an existing API credential
DELETE/apikeys/:apiKeyIdDelete an existing API credential
Access management