Understanding the data

Introduction to the data

Our approach to the entire audience measurement industry is that measuring audiences needs to be done using temporal data. The ability to have real-time insight gives a businesses an edge in today's market when going against your competitors.

Real-time data

Our data is collected by sensors and transmitted to our cloud services in real-time. This means that you will be able to see the latest developments as they happen, day per day, hour per hour or even minute per minute.

The life cycle of the data

The data starts it's life cycle in the sensor when it is being measured. A limited amount of pre-processing is done in the sensor, to turn the measured data into raw data. The raw data is then packaged, encrypted and sent to our cloud services for processing. As the cloud services process the data, the raw data is turned into commercial metrics, ready to be used as part of your business operations.

Data every minute

Generally, all our sensors are capable of delivering data every minute. This means that a newly updated situation is available always in real-time.

The per minute data includes metrics for the total count, increased count and decreased count of population.

The dwell times are not processed on a per minute basis, as many visits are longer than a single minute.

Hourly summary

The hourly data provides a summary of everything that has happened within the duration of the specific hour.

This includes the raw volume and count, volume and count and the calibrated volume and count. The hourly data also includes the dwell times breakdown with industry standard brackets.

Daily summary

The daily summary is similar to the hourly summary, with the difference that it summarizes the entire 24 hours into a combined set of metrics.

Volume vs. Count

Our service provides two different methods for measuring population.

Count is based on individual dwell time measurements, providing a more accurate measurement comparable to visits or visitors.

Volume on the other hand is more like a load measurement metric, taking into account the total volume measured per minute and adding them together during the hourly and daily summaries.


In the event of a single visitor spending five minutes in range of a sensor, the count will measure 1 visitor with a dwell time of 300 seconds while the volume will measure 5, due to the fact that an increment in the volume occurance is measured once every minute.

Description of the measured metrics

The basic metrics are described in the following table:

minuteVolumeTotal volume during a minuteminute
minuteIncreaseVolume increase during minuteminute
minuteDecreaseVolume decrease during a minuteminute
minnuteCalibratedVolumeVolume corrected with the data profileminute
hourlyRawVolumeTotal raw volume during an hourhourly
hourlyVolumeAdjusted volume for missing data during an hourhourly
hourlyCalibratedVolumeAdjusted and calibrated volume during an hourhourly
hourlyRawCountTotal raw count during an hourhourly
hourlyCountAdjusted count for missing data during an hourhourly
hourlyCalibratedCountAdjusted and calibrated count during an hourhourly
dailyRawVolumeTotal raw volume during a daydaily
dailyVolumeAdjusted volume for missing data during a daydaily
dailyCalibratedVolumeAdjusted and calibrated volume during a daydaily
dailyRawCountTotal raw count during a daydaily
dailyCountAdjusted count for missing data during a daydaily
dailyCalibratedCountAdjusted and calibrated count during a daydaily
confidencePercentage of data received during the periodgeneric
hourlyStayCountBreadown of the dwell times during an hourhourly
dailyStayCountBreakdown of the dwell times during a daydaily
stayCount (<= 2s)Number of visits shorter than 2 secondsdwell
stayCount (2s - 10s)Number of visits between 2 and 10 secondsdwell
stayCount (10s - 30s)Number of visits between 10 and 30 secondsdwell
stayCount (30s - 60s)Number of visits between 30 and 60 secondsdwell
stayCount (60s - 120s)Number of visits between 1 and 2 minutesdwell
stayCount (120s - 300s)Number of visits between 2 and 5 minutesdwell
stayCount (300s - 600s)Number of visits between 5 and 10 minutesdwell
stayCount (600s - 900s)Number of visits between 10 and 15 minutesdwell
stayCount (>= 900s)Number of visits longer than 15 minutesdwell
Access control