Basic concepts

Assets and sensors

Assets and sensors are one of the key concepts of our service. All data collection and visualization is based on sensors and assets.

Understanding assets and sensors

An asset is an object that you manage in your business, such as a display frame for out-of-home advertising.

A sensor is the source for the data. A sensor can be linked to an asset. For example how a specific sensor can measure the surroundings of a specific display frame.

What is an assets?

This section is under construction and will be updated later.

What is a sensor?

Our service supports a variety of different sensors, from software to hardware. We also provide an option to integrate your own sensor onto our cloud platform.

A sensor can be a physical or software component that measures different things in it's surroundings and transmits it to our cloud platform.

Sensor types and technologies

Our service supports several types of sensors with multiple technologies. Sensors may also have multiple variants with different features and specifications.

Hardware sensors

A hardware sensor is a physical device that can be installed in any location easily. The hardware sensor requires continuous electricity in the installation location and has an internal data plan for sending data to the cloud.

Software sensors

A software sensor is usually a smartphone or similar device, running our sensor software. Our sensor software is available in Q1/2023, starting with the Android platform as an APK package.

Integrated sensors

This section is under construction and will be updated later.

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)

BLE technology is one of the most cost effective ways to measure population data in real-time. BLE technology enables us to also measure dwell times and optionally routes between locations.


Wi-Fi technology is similar to BLE in measuring population data. The Wi-Fi has some characteristics that make it slightly different to BLE.

Smart Camera

Smart cameras process the camera image feed within the camera using pattern recognition and motion tracking technologies. This enables the cameras to provide population data.

API basics